Find the Google Play Store app
If downloads from the Play Store don't complete, try the steps from, I can't download from the Google Play Store. If you have a problem with an app on your device, contact the app developer for support .
Get started with Google Play - Android - Google Play Help
Clearing cache from Google Play Store is the most common solution to issues when you download apps from Google Play Store. When you clear the cache and data, it may delete some settings on the Google Play Store app like parental controls and password protection .
Get Android apps & digital content from the Google Play Store
Open the Google Play app . At the top, search for an app or content. In the dropdown menu, choose a device associated with your account. On your computer: Go to play.google.com. At the top right, click the magnifying glass . Then, search for an app or content. Select the device dropdown and choose a device associated with your account.
Fix problems with the Google Play Store app
If you have issues when you download apps from Google Play, the most common solutions are to clear cache from Google Play Store and Download Manager. When you clear the cache and data, some settings may be deleted on the Google Play Store app like parental controls and password protection. Next time you open the Google Play Store, you’ll be ...
Find appen Google Play Butik - Hjælp til Google Play
Hvis appen Google Play Butik stadig ikke er synlig, skal du kontakte dit mobilselskab eller producenten af din enhed for at få hjælp. Play Butik kan ikke åbnes eller indlæse indhold Hvis Play Butik ikke kan åbnes eller indlæses, eller hvis den ofte går ned, kan du prøve at følge vejledningen under Play Butik kan ikke åbnes eller ...
Get started with Google Play - Computer - Google Play Help
Download Google Play Games Mobile App. Rent or buy movies and TV shows. Go to Google Play Movies & TV. Read or listen to books, news, and publication subscriptions. Download Google Play Books. If you plan to buy apps or something within the apps you download, set up a payment method. Set a payment method to use with all apps
Download apps to your Android device - Android Help - Google …
Open Google Play. On your device, use the Play Store app . On your computer, go to play.google.com. Find an app you want. To check that the app is reliable, find out what other people say about it. Under the app's title, check the star ratings and the number of downloads. To read individual reviews, scroll to the "Ratings and reviews" section.
Hitta appen Google Play Butik
Du kan ladda ned appar, spel och digitalt innehåll på enheten med appen Google Play Butik. Play Butik-appen är förinstallerad på Android-enheter som har stöd för Google Play och går att ladda ned
De Google Play Store-app vinden - Google Play Help
Je kunt apps, games en digitale content voor je apparaat downloaden via de Google Play Store-app. De Play Store-app is vooraf geïnstalleerd op Android-apparaten die Google Play ondersteunen en kan wor
Google Play Store App öffnen
Mit der Google Play Store App können Sie Apps, Spiele und digitale Inhalte auf Ihr Gerät herunterladen. Auf Android-Geräten, die Google Play unterstützen, ist die Play Store App vorinstalliert und bei