Spokane Pavilion Concerts
If you are using a screen reader and are having problems using this website, please call (888) 226-0076 for assistance. Please note, this number is for accessibility issues and is not a ticketing hotline.
Spokane Pavilion Concerts
Tickets are available at AXS.com or available for purchase at the Pavilion Box Office during operating hours. Do children have to have a ticket? Children under 1 are free (babies in arms).
Spokane Pavilion Concerts
For Spokane Pavilion Concerts parking information, please visit: https://my.spokanecity.org/riverfrontspokane/visitor-info/parking/
Spokane Pavilion Concerts
If you are using a screen reader and are having problems using this website, please call (888) 226-0076 for assistance. Please note, this number is for accessibility issues and is not a ticketing hotline.
Spokane Pavilion Concerts
The Spokane Pavilion Box Office is located in the Riverfront Park Pavilion Administration Building, which is located on the west side of building facing the Spokane River. Box Office Address 574 N. Howard Street Spokane, WA 99005. Box Office Operating Hours. The Box Office is open one and a half hours prior to the start (door time) of each event.