ASLA solicited research on the evidence of the benefits of landscape archi-tecture solutions to the biodiversity crisis. The goals of the research reviews are to: 1) Understand and summarize the current state of knowledge; 2) Syn - thesize the research literature and provide insights, leveraging key data- and
The ASLA Fund, a 501 (c) (3) organization, has released new peer-reviewed research on landscape architecture solutions to the climate and biodiversity crisis.
The American Society of Landscape Architects publishes ASLA Research Reports as a platform for professionals to share specialized expertise relating to landscape architecture.
“The research demonstrates that we can design for biodiversity and start to restore the planet.” Dr. Park and her team reviewed nearly 70 peer-reviewed studies focused on planning and designing nature-based solutions to biodiversity loss published from 2000 to 2023.
The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Fund has released peer-reviewed research on landscape architecture solutions to extreme heat, the deadliest climate impact:
The American Society of Landscape Architects publishes the ASLA Research Reports to encourage professionals to share specialized expertise relating to landscape architecture. ASLA considers these reports to be important contributions to a necessary and ongoing dialogue within a large and diverse community of landscape architecture researchers and
Leveraging infrastructure investments, landscape architects’ choices of small-scale design elements can powerfully affect the well-being of people living in neighborhoods disadvantaged by property vacancy and poverty. This addresses greenspace …
A 12-page analysis for economic and landscape architecture researchers and educators that explores economic benefits found in the Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF)’s Landscape Performance Series Case Study Briefs.
This research facilitated the development of lightweight, “extensive” green roofs, in contrast to the heavier and more traditional rooftop deck garden, now referred to as an “intensive” system.
Research Services. Research services, including past articles from Landscape Architecture Magazine (LAM), are available to members at no cost and to the public for a small fee.